In recent publications we’ve addressed the importance of rewarding your staff with an incentive trip; we spoke about the benefits it’ll bring to your company, and how it must not be considered an expense, but an investment.
Moreover, some of the most important businessmen recommend incentive travel as the best kind of reward for simple reasons: When you reward your personnel with money, it is proven that they’ll feel guilty about buying something they like, and will probably end up buying something they need, like store of food or cleaning supplies; as a result, they won’t even remember this in a short term.
However, when the staff is rewarded with an incentive trip to some beautiful and exotic destination, they will remember it forever. And think about the opportunity of creating the most solid teamwork in an atmosphere of comradeship that promotes the best business ideas…
That’s why we wanted to show you a totally fantastic facility in one of the exotic locations where Maritur DMC can help you plan the best business travel experience.