If you’re organizing a group travel to Cancun as part of the incentive plan of your company, we suggest being extra careful with the excursions and activities you choose for the assistance. Why? Because there are lots of Cancun tours, but only a few are the indicated ones to create an environment where people can really know each other and spend quality time.
Cancun tours are cool but only a few are ideal four groups, that’s why we want to suggest some options we think will work for you. Our recommendations are the following:

Before explaining what this tour is about, we would like to give you some context. Earlier than Mexico City’s foundation by Spanish conquerors, that region was home of Tenochtitlan, the capital city of the Aztec empire. The inhabitants created an innovating agriculture technique with tiny islands called “chinampas”, crossed by canals to avoid any potential drought.
Located in the area known as “Xochimilco”, this “chinampas” are now an attraction for travelers where people can listen to Mexican music, snack and drink while the go onboard of a boat called “trajinera”. Well, honoring this magnificent place in Mexico City, Xoximilco Cancun park is a great selection for you and your companions.
Each “trajinera” can carry 20 people, that what makes it perfect for those traveling in a group. Have fun in a Mexican style party!
Catamaran to Isla Mujeres

This tour is a different way to enjoy the breeze of the Caribbean Sea. While you’re onboard a catamaran to Isla Mujeres, you can enjoy drinks from the open bar, listen to music and have lots of fun. Is there a better way to break the ice? Actually, it’s perfect for team-building activities!
Pirate Show: Capitan Hook or Jolly Roger

Pirate shows in Cancun
consist in a three-course dinner in a galleon while the staff recreates the old battles held in the Caribbean Sea during Colonial times. Enjoy the open bar and choose between steak, chicken and lobster, depending of which tour you select: Capitan Hook or Jolly Rogers.
Coco Bongo Cancun

Maybe it’s sounds crazy taking people older than 35 to a nightclub, but believe me when I say that this is not a conventional one. Coco Bongo Cancun is a must for tourist visiting this destination! Here, you can enjoy impressive live performances and great DJ music. We recommend to reserve a spot in the VIP area so you enjoy the night even better!
You can combine this Cancun tours with other ones that are more classic, like Chichen Itza, Tulum and Xcaret. Don’t hesitate and contact us to help you organizing your next group travel in Cancun!