Your planning an important event, you’ve got everything ready, but suddenly certain details you didn’t consider start creating an unconfortable momento for your guests… There are several aspects one must consider at the time of planning an event, but here we’ll give you some simple tips of what you must AVOID by all means.

1. Being Absent From the Previous Meetings

All activities prior to the event are the base of what the final result will transmit or reflect. If possible, don’t miss any of the meetings or planning stages of your event; whatever the task is, it’ll be the best moment to boost everything you’ve planned. Do not underestimate the opportunity of making alternative plans that may help you be prepared for unexpected situations. For very important events consider making a general rehearsal, so that everything flows naturally when the time comes.

2. Improvising the Day of the Event

The planning of an event is very important for avoiding problems; therefore, every last minute ideayou can come up with, won’t have the required precaution to deliver the best results. As a matter of fact, you will hardly have success at something you didn’t plan in advance.

3. Extra Fees

It is always preferable when the signup fee includes all expenses. Whether it is parking, WiFi, coffee, drinks, buffet, etc., consider how would you feel if you were charged for extras for basic services at the event. For most people this can be annoying, which would affect negatively the event’s atmosphere. It is also a good idea to offer small details for participants as they arrive to the event.

4. Imply that You Organized the Event Alone

It is a kind gesture and always a very positive idea to praise the great effort of those who made the event possible. Speak proudly about those who were involved; you can even thank the attendants, whose kindness made the event a huge success. Do not hesitate to mention and emphasize this topic.

5. Stretching Your Budget

When you must start planning an event, do the math and evaluate your budget; always organize according to it. Sometimes hiring cheap services may result in a loss of quality of what is offered to the participants… and the less you want is to leave a bad impression. It is very important to be consistent and keep to the extent of your budget, the kind of event you’re expecting, and the number of guests you’re considering.

For more information regarding the best planning for your event or business trip, ask the specialists… Maritur will make it happen!

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