The online Mexican wallet brand TRECE Wallet joins efforts with the Product Tracker,a specialized digital software company with the best of loT technology, (Internet of things) the internet connection  with any device, to create the first smart wallet that will help you reach the financial organization you need, avoiding those apparently tiny expenses that won’t let you save your money.

In addition to an incredible, minimalist, useful, and exclusive design, these wallets have an innovative NFC (Near Field Communication) mechanism that creates a data platform that allows you to take total control of your accounts through a chip and the synchronization of the mobile (free for Android) app.

But wait, How does it work? Simply unlocking and sliding your mobile device on the wallet chip will open the options menu, allowing you to keep record of all your expenses and customize it according to your preferences,  creating the perfect credit balance for your finances.

Unnecessary expenses are those that we like to indulge ourselves with, from a delicious gourmet dinner in a luxurious restaurant to a pair of designer shoes that you know you do not need.

With the annual amount of these unnecessary expenses you could invest on a car, restyle your house or even plan a group trip to an amazing Mexican destination.

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